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DOC-521 Les technologies "en-ligne" d'aujourd'hui offrent des alternatives viables aux formations présentielles traditionnelles

*NOTE: Cet article n'est présentement disponible qu'en anglais.
By  Wendy Swan, Neotelis
We are all familiar with the traditional way of training, what is often called ‘face-to-face' or classroom training. Everyone gathers together in one place at a set time with a trainer who leads the session in-person. Well-prepared, well-organized and well-delivered, face-to-face training can be a great experience with excellent opportunities to interact, share expertise and learn from others, and it is the immediate, direct interaction that makes face-to-face training such a powerful method of learning.
However, there are some issues associated with face-to-face training. First, a significant portion of the training budget may end up going to travel costs (transportation, accommodation, meals and incidentals) and many non-productive (but tiring) hours may be spent travelling. Second, there are opportunity costs associated with having multiple people out of the office to attend the training. Third, it is not always easy to find a block of time which is long enough to cover the material, justify the travel and which suits everyone. And finally, there is also a concern that what is learned in the training session may not be actually applied back in the office. These constraints have always been present, and various forms of non-face-to-face training have been offered over the years to try to find a valid alternative which retains face-to-face benefits while addressing some of the associated issues.
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Inclus la formation, le matériel, l’accès en ligne (Formations en classe virtuelle/e-Learning) et les déjeuners/rafraichissements pendant la formation (Formations présentielles).
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