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REG-111 Telecom Regulation for Today - Adapting to Change (Virtual Classroom)




This content will be adapted for delivery in a virtual classroom.


The telecom world is changing and so regulation must change with it. To ensure an equitable telecom environment that responds to the needs of consumers and other stakeholders, it is essential for operators and regulators to understand current regulatory issues and approaches for dealing with those issues.

This 5-day training course provides participants with the knowledge and competencies required to successfully evolve in today's telecom regulatory environment. The course includes discussions and analysis of the key issues and tools available to ensure a fair and equitable telecom environment that is adapted to a changing world.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Identify current regulatory challenges faced by the telecom industry
  • Apply effective regulation principles to competition policy
  • Discuss best practice approaches to regulation of interconnection and access, pricing, roaming and quality of service
  • Analyze current regulatory issues represented by scarce resources such as spectrum
  • Make use of current regulatory approaches in areas such as OTT services, local loop unbundling (LLU), net neutrality, IoT, IPTV, privacy and security, and universal broadband access
  • Apply best practices from the regulation of the telecom industry worldwide


The training course covers the following topics:DAY 1
  • Global and competitive telecommunications environments
    • Digital transformation and market evolution
    • New and evolving players
    • Evolving Services – IoT, M2M, Cloud Services, AI and Blockchain
    • 5G
    • Challenges and opportunities for operators and regulator
    • Case Study – Global and Competitive Telecommunications Environment
    • Workshop: Trends and Impacts
  • Regulation and the regulator in today's industry
    • Principles of effective regulation
    • Roles and responsibilities of the regulator
    • Competition policy
    • Deregulation and forbearance
    • Workshop: Where are we?
    • Workshop: Regulatory Priorities


  • Regulation to increase competition
    • Regulatory intervention
    • Market entry strategies to increase competition
    • Structural remedies
    • Enforcement
    • Workshop: Promoting Increased Competition
    • Workshop: Case Study – Fines For Non-Compliance
  • Broadband, wireless and spectrum policy
    • Different regulation of mobile and increased intervention
    • Barriers to entry
    • Importance of spectrum for mobile broadband
    • The path to 5G
    • Shift in spectrum allocation policy and its impacts
    • Case Study – Spectrum Allocation Policy
    • Case study – Spectrum Sharing
  • Retail price regulation
    • Why regulate prices?
    • Evolution of pricing approaches
  • Internet of things (IoT)
    • Scale of the IoT market
    • IoT and national strategies
    • IoT and 5G
    • Emerging regulatory issues
    • Workshop: Securing the IoT
  • Roaming
    • Defining the issue – why regulate?
    • Permanent roaming
    • Regulatory principles and approaches
    • Workshop: EU Roaming – Impacts and Lessons to be Learnt?
  • Interconnection and unbundling regulation
    • Relevance of interconnection and access
    • Regulator's role
    • Interconnection best practices
    • Unbundling and Infrastructure Sharing
    • Interconnection costing and pricing
    • Workshop: Interconnection and Unbundling
    • Digital disruption, convergence and transformation
      • Digital disruption
      • Network convergence and digital transformation
      • Evolution of OTT
      • OTT and market power
      • Regulating OTT and platform-based competition
      • Workshop: Future of Telco Business Model
      • Workshop: Case Study – Regulating OTTs
    • IPTV/Streaming video
      • Video as opportunity for network operators
      • Streaming video and OTT
      • Capacity, content and competition
      • Workshop: Video Streaming – Cost or Opportunity?
      DAY 5
        • Disruption and regulatory reform
          • Regulating OTT and platform-based competition
          • Open internet/Net neutrality
          • Zero-rating, an undue preference?
          • Regulatory reform: A possible model
          • Workshop: Zero-Rating – Good or Bad For Consumers?
          • Workshop: Possible Regulatory Approaches For a Digital World
        • What cannot be left to competition and market forces
          • Workshop: Consumer Protection

        Target Audience

        • Telecommunications managers and personnel involved in telecom regulation and policy-making
        • Managers looking to complement their skill-set by gaining a good understanding of telecommunications regulation


        Neotelis Virtual Classroom Trainings combine real-time (live) Virtual Classroom sessions on a web-based videoconferencing platform with an expert trainer and off-line activities in-between live sessions. Presentations, workshops, case studies, and discussions on real-life situations faced by participants, as well as videos, whiteboards, quizzes and questionnaires are all used to engage participants and enhance their learning experience.

        The training material is designed to provide practical tools which can be immediately applied in a work environment, and the complete material is provided to all participants for future reference and follow-up action plans.

        Access to Neotelis Virtual Classroom Trainings requires a computer, a webcam, a headset and microphone and a stable internet connection.

        About Neotelis

        Neotelis provides training, consulting, conferences and publications to the telecommunications industry worldwide. Its team of senior experts has trained thousands of executives and managers working for operators, regulators, policy-makers and governments in over 120 countries around the world.

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        Next training

        8 half-days
        4-7 and 11-14 April 2022
        Virtual Classroom
        • Virtual class
        This has been a fantastic training. We should do more of this type of training to get a better competitive edge.
        A great training experience. One of the most relevant in my career!
        Overall, a very good program that I would highly recommend.
        A great training experience.
        Excellent from beginning to end. The trainer has the touch.
        It was extremely helpful & has enhanced my job performance.
        Neotelis is always good. And the trainer brought it to another level.